A world trip that covered more than 25 countries, America, Europe, Africa, Eastern Europe, Asia, Australasia and South America. All done with a very low budget, enjoy some of the beautiful places I’ve visited.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006


Well, what can i say?
Of all the Eastern European block i've seen so far, Bulgaria Rocks!!Very happy people and good food.
Sofia the capital is full of nice buildings and very very nice girls.
Not expensive at all at the moment, but once this place goes into the EU is gonna be tough to travel through Bulgaria.
Here ya are some pics of Sofia and Varna.
Enjoy the Black sea!!!Good music good food and most important, good people.
Fuck Winnipeg, sorry dudes!
Viva Bulgaria man!Tips:
Sofia has very nice hostals, I recomend
9 Euros a night

Bue...Que puedo decir. De todo Europa del Este Bulgaria es una masa man!!
Gente feliz y buena comida.
Sofia, la capital de bulgaria, tiene lida edificacion y lindas chicas.
No es caro pero una vez que este pais ingrese en la UE se va a poner aspero para viajar por aca.
Aca tienen unas fotos de Sofia y varna, disfruten del mar negro!!
Buena musica, buena comida y lo mas importante, buena gente!
A tomar por el culo Winnipeg, disculpen!!
Viva Bulgaria!!
Tips: Sofia tiene buenos hostales, recomiendo:
9 Euros la noche.

Info Bulgaria



Status:UN Country
Capital City:Sofia (Sofiya)
Main Cities:Plovdiv, Varna, Bourgas
Area:110,910 km2
Currency:1 lev = 100 stótinki
Religions:Orthodox, Muslim


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